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P.O. BOX 4895
OAK BROOK, IL 60522-4895

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Articles and Tips


Resources from Dr. James Leonard

Prevention and Recognition of Injuries in Young Throwing Athletes and Thrower's Ten Exercise Program.

Resources from

For Coaches:
Rules You Should Know - Clear explanations of some commonly misunderstood rules.
Balk Cheatsheet - Explanations on the 23 most common ways to balk.

For Parents:
Backyard Basics - An introduction to hitting, pitching, fielding and throwing so parents can help their kids develop sound fundamentals while practicing at home.
Choosing a Bat and Glove - A guide on how to purchase new equipment and break-in a glove.

The truth about youth pitching injuries and young athletes
  IYCA Blog

Videos from the coaches clinic

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WSBL Sponsors

Baseball Zone


Game Day USA


Sports Authority




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